Beginning Class:
(Class is 6 one hour classes held once a week)
The Beginning Class is designed to help you, the owner, train your dog. limit this class to 8 dogs are set to provide the optimum educational experience, which includes special individual attention if needed. The Beginning Obedience Course is offered for any dog 4½ months of age or older. It runs for a period of 6 weeks, with all training performed on leash. This introductory course is designed for the inexperienced trainer or the untrained dog.This course provides an excellent opportunity for the handler to become familiar with the standard obedience commands and for the dog to become comfortable interacting with other dogs. The commands and excercises covered in the beginning course are Sit, Sit/Stay. Down, Down/Stay, Heeling, Come, and Sit for Exam.
Class Requirements:
Conformation Class:
(Conducted as a weekly ongoing drop-in class)
The conformation class teaches you/the handler how to show the dog to its best advantage. The class level ranges from beginners to the most advanced. Class instruction is geared to the individual needs of the students. We are teaching you how to show your dog and do not evaluate the quality of the dog.
Class Fees are $15 ($12 for Active Fremont Dog Club Members), exact cash or check only.
What to bring:
Intermediate Class:
(Class is 6 one hour classes held once a week)
The Intermediate Class is intended for continued training after the Beginning class. Designed for the handler and dog to reinforce their basic education while incorporating more advanced techniques. Positive motivation and rewards using food and toys are used in this class. While not required, training in the intermediate class will prepare students for a Beginner Novice trial (Heel On-Leash, Figure Eight, Recall, Sit Stay, and Sit for Exam). Additional focus on distraction training during exercises will improve general handling of dogs in public environments.
Class Requirements:
Novice Class:
(Class is 6 one hour classes held once a week)
Once the handler and dog have completed the Beginning Obedience Class they may now progress to the Novice Class. This class reinforces all the skills learned in the Beginning Obedience Class and now adapts foundation exercises to include Figure Eight, Stand for Exam, Heal Off-Leash, Recall, Group Sit & Down Stay. Trainer/dog strive to work as a team and hopefully with the thought of showing the dog in competition. (Competition not mandatory).
Class Requirements:
Open Class:
(Class is 6 one hour classes held once a week)
This class is for the dog and handler that has accomplished the exercises presented in the Novice class. In the Open Class the dog advances to Off Leash Figure Eight, retrieving a Dumbbell both on the Flat and over a High Jump, learns the Drop on Recall (dropping on command as dog moves toward trainer) Jump over a Broad Jump and Stand Stay while getting your leash.
Class Requirements:
Utility Class:
(Weekly Drop-In classes are pay as you go)
Training in the Utility Class is performed off leash and with verbal and nonverbal (hand signal) commands. The Utility Class is for the master trainer and the veteran dog. Some of the exercises tackled in this session are the directive Jumping over a Flat and High Bar Jumps, commands utilizing hand signals, (Stand, Stay, Down, Sit and Recall), the Selection by Scent alone of the handler's article (metal and leather) from among other articles, and retrieving one of three gloves as directed by the handler.
Class Requirements:
Beginners Rally Classes:
(Class is 6 one hour classes held once a week)
Rally is a sport in which dog and handler walk through a designated course made up of signs that provide instructions regarding an obedience skill. The dog and handler move continuously at a normal to brisk pace through the course completing each sign as quickly and smoothly as possible. In the Beginning Rally class, you and your dog will learn foundational obedience skills like sitting, downing, staying, heeling with turns, coming when called, "front" (coming to a position in front of you), basic hand signals, navigating simple course patterns, and understanding the meaning of basic rally signs like "right turn," "left turn," and "halt" while focusing on positive reinforcement and clear communication with your dog through verbal cues and body language.
Rally Classes:
(Weekly Drop-In classes are pay as you go)
Rally is a sport in which dog and handler walk through a designated course made up of signs that provide instructions regarding an obedience skill. The dog and handler move continuously at a normal to brisk pace through the course completing each sign as quickly and smoothly as possible.
For students new to Rally the instructor will provide basic principles of Rally and competing in Rally. Notify the instructor prior to class to schedule an introduction prior to moving on to the regular Rally class.